Neuroforma is developed on the basis of own research and cutting-edge scientific knowledge

Neuroforma is developed on the basis of consultations, testing and research conducted. We strive to make the program best adapted to the specific needs of users, and in order to ensure it we take into account results of research and trial tests of patients from various clinical groups, who are the target of the program. It is on this basis that we introduce new features and enhancements of the program.

Cooperation with scientists allows us to develop various elements of the program that improve patient satisfaction with working with Neuroforma, based on the latest scientific knowledge.


"Clinical TeleNeuroforma" project – testing the effectiveness in people with HD, SCA and SM

We implement the "Clinical TeleNeuroforma - clinically validated system of home rehabilitation for patients with selected neurological diseases" project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the "Social Innovation" program.

Currently, the project involves developing new exercising modules with particular emphasis on the needs of people suffering from Huntington's disease, spinocerebellar ataxia and multiple sclerosis.

Then the entire tool is going to undergo clinical trials, aimed at providing evidence for the effectiveness of Neuroforma as regards rehabilitation of patients from these clinical groups. Our test results will appear as a scientific publication, while previous reports confirming the effectiveness of the methods and technologies used in Neuroforma may be found here .


TeleNeuroforma Kliniczna - system do telerehabilitacji


The project is implemented by a consortium composed of Titanis Sp. z o. o., Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society, Polish Huntington's Disease Association, Polish Association of Families with Spinocerebellar Ataxia.


Testing the effectiveness of exercises in post-stroke patients

logo_um_poznan.png The effectiveness of the rehabilitation exercising system designed in Neuroforma as a treatment for post-stroke patients has been studied since 2013 in collaboration with Poznań University of Medical Sciences, as part of the doctoral thesis of Alicja Banaś, MA. The results will appear as a scientific publication and the application of Neuroforma has been described in specialist literature (Banaś i in., 2013).

logo_repty.jpg Collaboration with Prof. Józef Opara and Jerzy Ziętek Górnośląskie Rehabilitation Centre "Repty" in 2015 involved conducting tests on the application of Neuroforma as a tool for mirror therapy targeted at post-stroke patients. The research plan was presented at a conference, and the results are intended to be published.


Program research and testing with the participation of multiple sclerosis patients

logo umk torun.png Research aimed at verifying various methods of supporting patients in their systematic work at home was conducted in 2014 in people with multiple sclerosis as part of the bachelor thesis written at the Cognitive Science faculty at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Cheładze, 2014).

Logo KOMR w Dąbku Already since the times of the first prototype versions, Neuroforma has been used by the National Residential and Rehabilitation Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Dąbek. It is one of Poland's largest centres offering rehabilitation of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. Our cooperation with the Centre is a source of valuable comments on the practical aspects of the application of Neuroforma.

borne.png John Paul II Rehabilitation Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Borne Sulinowo is a leading centre in Poland for those suffering from multiple sclerosis, which also offers rehabilitation of patients with other neurological disorders. Apart from using Neuroforma, it also develops the concept of tele-rehabilitation in line with the idea of ongoing cooperation of the centre with patients staying at home. In the process of developing the program, we take into account feedback from patients and specialists using Neuroforma in the Rehabilitation Centre.

Logo PTSR Patients with multiple sclerosis are also participating in tests of the effectiveness of Neuroforma under the "Clinical TeleNeuroforma" project.


Program research and testing with the participation of Huntington’s disease patients

psch logo obrazek.png Since 2013, together with the Polish Huntington's Disease Association, we have been investigating the impact of home rehabilitation using Neuroforma on motivation to daily exercise, quality of life as well as cognitive and motor functioning of those suffering from Huntington's disease.

Huntington's disease patients also participate in testing of effectiveness of Neuroforma exercises, conducted under the "Clinical TeleNeuroforma" project.


Program research and testing with the participation of spinocerebellar ataxia patients

logoataksja.jpg As part of the rehabilitation camps of the Polish Association of Families with Spinocerebellar Ataxia ATAKSJA, Leszek Czerwosz from the Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences has been conducting Neuroforma trial testing since 2013 with the participation of those suffering from spinocerebellar ataxia.

Patients with spinocerebellar ataxia also take part in effectiveness tests of Neuroforma conducted under the "Clinical TeleNeuroforma" project.


Cooperation with researchers from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw

Logo Wydziału Psychologii UW We worked with researchers from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw who study the psychology of emotions and motivation on two projects under the "Internship as a stepping stone to researcher’s success" program completed in 2014.

The goal of the first one was to develop methods used to motivate the patient to work at home with the Neuroforma program based on the latest findings in the field of motivation psychology.

The other project involved the development of an optimal strategy for the selection of a rehabilitation program, in terms of its impact on user’s emotions and mood.

Since 2014 we have been cooperating with Clinical Neuropsychology specialization in conducting research aimed at developing and optimizing the content of Neuroforma.


New applications of Neuroforma

We are looking for new opportunities to use the program basing on the results of innovative research using Neuroforma conducted in collaboration with scientists from various fields.


Neuroforma in paediatric and orthopaedic rehabilitation

logo-wumed.jpg Researchers from the Medical University of Warsaw studied the opportunities to use Neuroforma in paediatrics and orthopaedics as part of the "Internship as a stepping stone to researcher’s success" program, completed in 2014. The objective of the project was to evaluate opportunities to develop Neuroforma for creating paediatric rehabilitation procedure and rehabilitation of patients with orthopaedic disorders.


Neuroforma as a measurement tool for eye-hand coordination.

II wydzial lekarski wum.jpg In cooperation with the Rehabilitation Institute of the Department of Physiotherapy at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, tests were conducted in 2014 aimed at verifying selected exercises of Neuroforma in terms of their use as a measurement tools for eye-hand coordination. The results of testing were published as an article in the Polish Journal of Sports Medicine (Słupik i in., 2015).


Neuroforma in rehabilitation of cognitive functions of patients with mental disorders

Instytut_Psych_i_Neuro.jpg In 2015, scientists from the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw launched research aimed at verifying the applicability of Neuroforma in improving cognitive functions of patients with mental disorders. Its findings will appear as a scientific publication.



Computer exercises combining improvement of cognitive functions and balance

fundacja na rzecz nauki polskiej logo.png The "DynamicCognition" project, implemented in the years 2013-2015, was funded under a grant awarded to the author of Neuroforma, Mateusz Kruszyński in Ventures Program of the Foundation for Polish Science. The project verified the effectiveness of combining cognitive exercises and exercises involving the balance of the body in the form of attractive computer games and tasks.

Preliminary results of the research were described in the thesis by Justyna Wiśniowska, MA, and published in the "Orthopaedics Traumatology Rehabilitation" journal. Efforts are now being taken to publish the full results.


Neuroforma at conferences and trade fairs

Since 2013 we have been participating in major rehabilitation and medical events in Poland. We present the program during conferences, we have a Neuforma stand at Polish and foreign fairs of rehabilitation equipment. We are also present at national and international congresses organised by Associations acting for the benefit of patients with neurological disorders.

Below you can find the most important events in which we participated. A full list with topics of conference presentations is available at the "Events" page.


Neuroforma presented to specialists from all over Europe

emsp-logo-short-02.jpg In 2015 Mateusz Kruszyński gave a presentation on Neuroforma at the International Conference "Reaching forward. Access to employment and participation", organised by the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform in Warsaw.

logo rehacare.jpg Also in 2015, we participated in major trade fairs of rehabilitation equipment in Europe RehaCare 2015 in Dusseldorf.


ehdn logo z napisem.jpg In 2014 Mateusz Kruszyński presented the program at the 8th European Plenary Meeting of the European Huntington's Disease Network (EHDN) in Barcelona and gave a lecture at the Meeting of EHDN Researchers in Warsaw.


Major conferences

psch logo obrazek.png In 2015 we presented Neuroforma to participants of the International Conference "Testing and treatment of Huntington's disease - latest reports”, organised in Warsaw by the Polish Huntington's Disease Association. 

ptreh logo.png Also in 2015 we participated in the Seventeenth Scientific and Training Symposium of the Polish Rehabilitation Society "Neurorehabilitation". 

logo_efo.jpg In 2015, we showed our presentation on Neuroforma also at the Conference "Innovage – developed for senior citizens", organised in Warsaw by the European Care Foundation.

logo PNF wieksze.png In 2015 for the second time we participated in the First Polish Congress of PNF in Warsaw.

ptrn logo.jpg In 2014 we took part in the Polish Congress of Neurorehabilitation in Łódź.


Major rehabilitation and medical equipment trade fairs

Logo targi Rehabilitacja.jpg In 2015 we took part in the International Rehabilitation Fair in Łódź, the largest rehabilitation equipment fair in Poland. We have participated in it since 2013.

targi medyczne warszawa logo.jpg In 2015 we presented a Neuroforma stand at the International Medical Fair in Warsaw.

logo salmed.jpg In 2014 we took part in the International Trade Fair of Medical Equipment and Instruments SALMED in Poznań.

logo rehmed.jpg In 2014 we also participated in the Rehmed Plus Fair in Kielce.


Neuroforma in the media

O You can read about Neuroforma for example in specialist rehabilitation journals and in popular science magazines. The full list of articles featuring Neuroforma is available here.


logo reh w praktyce.jpg Articles on Neuroforma appeared in Rehabilitation in Practice journal, Nos. 1/2013, 4/2013, 3/2014 and 4/2014.

logo-praktycznafizjoterapia.jpg Neuroforma has also been described in Practical Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation journal (No. 46, January 2014).

logo medycyna sportowa.jpg "Sports Medicine" magazine in No. 4/2014 published an article describing the results of research involving Neuroforma.

psychologia dzis logo.jpg An article on rehabilitation using virtual reality that describes Neuroforma appeared in the "Psychology Today" magazine, No. 1/2014. The content of the article is available in our "Knowledge Base" .

pierwszy milion logo.jpg "Forbes First Million" magazine presented the authors of Neuroforma in No. November-December 2014.

logo newsweek medycyna.jpg Neuroforma was also included in the "Medicine" supplement to Newsweek magazine (No. 14/2015).

czwroka logo.jpg In 2013 Polish radio channel four aired an interview with Mateusz Kruszyński, the author of Neuroforma. The recording is available here.


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Andreasen, A. K., Stenager, E., Dalgas, U. (2011). The effect of exercise therapy on fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 17(9), 1041-1054 (full content).

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Banaś, A., Majchrzycki, M., Stryła, W., Kruszyński, M., Piotrowska, S. (2013). Technologie wirtualnej rzeczywistości w procesie usprawniania funkcji chodu oraz równowagi u osób po przebytym udarze mózgu. W: Majchrzycki, M., Łańczak-Trzaskowska, M., Gajewska, E. Dysfunkcje narządów ruchu: Diagnostyka i usprawnianie pacjentów z dysfunkcjami narządów ruchu (s. 112-119). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu (abstract).

Banaś, A., Trzaskowska, M., Stryła, W., Szklarczyk, A., Kruszyński, M., Piotrowska, S. Fizjoterapia w stwardnieniu rozsianym. (2013). W: Dysfunkcje narządów ruchu: Diagnostyka i usprawnianie pacjentów z dysfunkcjami narządów ruchu (s. 102-111). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu (abstract).

Bherer, L., Erickson, K. I., Liu-Ambrose, T. (2013). A review of the effects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults.Journal of aging research, 2013 (full content).

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Chen, M. D., Rimmer, J. H. (2011). Effects of Exercise on Quality of Life in Stroke Survivors A Meta-Analysis. Stroke, 42(3), 832-837 (full content).

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Erickson, K. I., Prakash, R. S., Voss, M. W., Chaddock, L., Hu, L., Morris, K. S., ... Kramer, A. F. (2009). Aerobic fitness is associated with hippocampal volume in elderly humans. Hippocampus, 19(10), 1030-1039 (full content).

Erickson, K. I., Voss, M. W., Prakash, R. S., Basak, C., Szabo, A., Chaddock, L., ... Kramer, A. F. (2011). Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(7), 3017-3022 (full content).

Faubert, J., Sidebottom, L. (2012). Perceptual-cognitive training of athletes.Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 6(1), 85 (full content).

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Kruszyński, M., Chabuda, A., Wiśniowska, J., Czerwosz, L. (2015). Komputerowy trening funkcji ruchowych i poznawczych w paradygmacie podwójnego zadania. Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 17, Supplement 1.

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